Richard Safeer

Dr. Safeer is a highly respected leader in the employee health and well-being field.  His work is featured by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and he’s been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and Fortune Magazine.

Dr. Safeer currently serves as the Chief Medical Director of Employee Health and Well-Being for Johns Hopkins Medicine where he leads the Healthy at Hopkins employee health and well-being strategy.  He’s also the author of A Cure for the Common Company: A Well-Being Prescription for a Happier, Healthier, and More Resilient Workforce. He’s also the scientific advisor to A Cure for the Common Workday, Journaling towards a happier and healthier workday.

Dr. Safeer is board certified in three medical specialties, a fellow in three medical colleges and has been recognized by a former Maryland governor for his contribution to the state public health system.

Dr. Safeer loves being active outdoors and has hiked and camped in Australia, Alaska and the Andes, among other great outdoor areas of the world. Dr. Safeer and his wife have been married for 26 years and enjoy their three grown children and the dog they left behind.