Juan M. Licari is a senior director at Moody's Analytics and the head of the Credit Analytics team for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Dr. Licari’s team provides consulting support to major industry players, builds econometric tools to model credit phenomena, and implements several stress-testing platforms to quantify portfolio risk exposure. His team is an industry leader in developing and implementing credit solutions that explicitly connect credit data to the underlying economic cycle, allowing portfolio managers to plan for alternative macroeconomic scenarios.
Juan is actively involved in communicating the team’s research and methodologies to the market. He often speaks at credit events and economic conferences worldwide. Dr. Licari holds a PhD and an MA in economics from the University of Pennsylvania and graduated summa cum laude from the National University of Cordoba in Argentina.
Dr. Licari meets continually with market participants and has presented the firm’s unique credit solutions to banks, consumer finance companies, investment groups, and retail lenders in 22 countries. An articulate and engaging speaker in both English and Spanish, he is also in demand as an expert on the global economy and international credit outlook. He has spoken at conventions of industry and academic groups such as RiskMinds and RiskCapital conferences in Europe, Risk Management Association and Consumer Bankers Association events, credit collection symposiums, Yale University, The Wharton School, and Cornell University.