Top technology keynote speakers

The best recipe for a successful event in 2023 – top technology keynote speakers

New trends in technology, the dynamic growth of artificial intelligence, the digitalization of almost every area of life, and the resulting new challenges for many companies make the need for knowledge about technology extremely desirable. As Knowledge Providers, we have access to an extensive database of experts from many fields, including technology keynote speakers. But that's not all! We go one step further than others. Technology moves forward, and so are we! At Global Speakers Bureau we believe knowledge should be easily accessible, therefore we have decided to expand our services and encourage you to organize your first virtual event.  Believe us, there are a lot of benefits from this, including the attendance of people from all over the world at your event, reduced space rental costs, and travel itself. In addition, you have the option to digitally record the entire event, allowing you to go back at your leisure and relive the amazing event once again.

If you are planning a scientific conference, staff training, or industry event, we are here for you. We will support you with our tips and guide you step-by-step on how to enrich your event with an insightful talk from one of the exceptional technology keynote speakers. Below are some of our most requested technology keynote speakers. Real experts with many years of experience and an impressive knowledge of the past, present, and future.


Jim McKelvey - founder of Square, glass champion, and new technology expert


After founding Square, Jim created LaunchCode, a non-profit organization through which anyone can learn programming and find full-time work in this fast-growing industry. Jim also founded Invisibly, a company that gives people control over their online identity.McKelvey has a wealth of knowledge about running a successful company and facing all sorts of problems. Dealing with and solving them in-house is his specialty. What topics can he talk about? These include companies in payments, education, scientific publishing, construction, printing, glass blowing, and software. 

In his keynotes, Jim Mckelves shares his expertise on:

  • The Outdated Ritual of Asking for Permission
  • The Role of Focus in Solving a Problem
  • Customer-Driven Innovation, The Innovation Stack: Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time

Based on his experiences, the challenges he has faced, and the people he has met, he has an innovative approach to new technologies and bringing them to life for companies.


Dhiraj Mukherjee – co-founder of Shazam, technology keynote speaker named one of Europe's top 50 technology entrepreneurs by Financial Times


The intersection of technology and impact, or Capitalism 2.0, is the main topic that Dhiraj Mukherjee likes to explore during his keynotes. Through his work as a technology consultant and innovator, he has acquired the knowledge and skills to share his insights on resilience and corporate leadership.

Check the list of his most requested topics:

  • How to Build an Innovator's Instincts
  • Looking Over the Horizon: How to Anticipate the Future
  • The Shazam story: from the original idea to a billion+ downloads
  • From Learning about Technology to Technology for Learning
  • High Stakes: Investing to Create a Better Future

As a professional speaker, Dhiraj focuses on helping aspiring entrepreneurs and business managers plan for, anticipate and face the difficulties required to navigate an uncertain future.

In his own words: “I believe that many entrepreneurs are deeply motivated by making the world a better place. My interest in Tech for Good comes from encouraging, championing, and investing in entrepreneurs who have explicitly set out to create a better society. It’s a privilege to learn from this generation of visionaries and game-changers, and share some of their ideas and stories here.”


Steve Chen – one of the first employees of PayPal, Facebook, co-founder of YouTube, incredible technology keynote speaker


Steve Chen is an entrepreneur and speaker who puts his heart into creating new businesses and innovative technologies. He delivers captivating talks that leave your audience in awe!

What topics does he specialize in?

  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Entrepreneurship: The YouTube Story
  • YouTube's Inside Story: What Makes It So Special?

Steve Chen has an avant-garde approach to creating new technologies, lending his talents to developing all sorts of companies. As a speaker, Steve Chen is captivating, and arch-interesting in what he presents and delivers and uses his extensive experience and knowledge to do so.


Will.I.Am – an innovator of technological thought and a technology keynote speaker, supporting the development of the talents and passions of children and young people


Will.I.Am is known not only as a member of the Black Eyed Peas. He is also an innovator of technological thought. Likewise, he monitors the impact of technology on society, people, and work. Furthermore, he also co-chairs the World Economic Forum's Generation AI group, exploring the interaction of artificial intelligence and youth in education, play, data rights, and privacy. He is an executive producer of series, documentaries, and feature films that incorporate technology and social justice themes.

Topics covered by Will.I.Am during her speaking engagements:

  • Creativity
  • Diversity
  • Innovation
  • The Next Evolution of Interactive A.I.

Will.I.Am supports the importance of developing all sorts of skills in young people so that they develop their talents and passions, and in the future not only share this with the world but enrich the place in which all of us mix with new technological thought.


We are Knowledge Providers


Our speakers are creators and innovators with unconventional approaches to technology. One thing is certain they each share their knowledge, and their acquired skills, approaching it with enthusiasm and passion. The speakers featured above are speakers from almost all over the world. Our office provides motivational, keynote and public speakers for your event. You choose the right speaker, while we take care of every important detail in terms of organization.

Thanks to our speaker base, you can share your knowledge, enthusiastically delivering new experiences to the people you are organizing a unique event. During such events, engaging and incredible relationships are built for many years to come, with both speakers and clients. Our clients are large corporations, not-for-profit organizations, PR agencies, and public institutions that expect Global Speakers Bureau to make their events amazing, valuable, and supercharged with a wealth of technological knowledge.

To make sure that everything is 100% ticked off, and your event is an impressive experience, step by step we implement our plan. In the first instance, contact us. We will get back to you within minutes.

During our conversation together, we will gather all the relevant information from you to jointly select the right speaker for your event. We will then finalize the arrangements and sign the contract. But that's not all! Another crucial point is the coordination of our activities—from the first conversation with you to the logistics so that the speaker you have chosen arrives safely and on time at your event. And finally, the finale—an engaging speech by the announcer at your event and your delight that the event went perfectly. Our activities are a simple way to your perfect event. Sounds incredible, doesn't it?

Make sure to follow us on Linkedin for more inspiring content from our keynote speakers.

Most requested keynotes topics.

Most requested keynote topics.

Find the perfect keynote speech for your next event!

From politics, through technology and the world of science to futurism & innovation. The list of keynote categories is long and varied! Keynote speakers included in the Global Speakers Bureau database are representatives of over a dozen different categories. When creating our speakers community, we made sure that the organizer of each kind of event could find the perfect speaker. Thanks to this, for each inquiry sent to our team, we always offer not one, but several keynote speakers to choose from. If your event brings together a large and highly diverse community, you may be wondering what categories of keynote will be the most universal. For this reason, we have compiled our list of the most requested keynote speakers! See them below!

Top 5 keynote speakers for your next event in 2020.

Top 5 keynote speakers for your next event in 2020.

Cyber security, artificial intelligence, along with startups, entrepreneurship and diversity – those are the key topics for 2020 that should be included in your event agenda. If you’re planning your next conference, look no more! We’re here to help you find your best speaker and make your event even bigger. Find out our top 5 keynote speakers for this year.


What you need to know?

Choosing a right speaker is certainly not an easy task. Keynote speakers lists are constantly evolving with attractive new talents and bringing us new inspiring stories. With an upcoming deadline and a huge list of to-do tasks for your upcoming event, we’re here to help you to find the proper speakers. Before you dig into our list, remember that these are our subjective choices. If you’re looking for a speaker for a specific topic, don’t hesitate to contact us – our team is ready to brainstorm and get back to you with tailored list of speakers. While sending your inquiry, it is important to include the following information, below, as it will help us identify the most relevant speakers for you.

● date of your event
● venue (country, city, available space)
● audience (tell us more about your guests)
● budget
● area of expertise


infographic article keynote speaekrs


Uri Levine - start up industry without secrets!


Uri Levine keynote speaker

Uri Levine is a passionate serial entrepreneur and mentor to young entrepreneurs. He is the co-founder of Waze, one of the world’s largest community-based traffic and navigation apps. Uri has worked in all possible business areas, focusing on solving “big problems”, and saving consumers money and time while empowering them.

“Fall in love with the problem, not the solution.” - Uri Levine

As a start-up guru, Uri Levine will make any event focused on entrepreneurship truly special. His goal, as he states himself, is quite ambitious: he’s firmly committed to spreading entrepreneurial thinking and changing the world for the better.

Find out more about Uri’s career, achievements and keynote topics: MORE INFO


Keynote speaker Mikko Hypponen - secure your web!


Mikko Hypponen keynote speaker

Cyber security is an extremely important topic for all organizations and businesses across every industry. When it comes to protecting your data, Mikko Hypponen is the person to tell you all about it! If you read about first PC virus, you surely have heard about Mikko, as he is the person responsible for tracking down the authors of the very first PC virus. What’s more, Mikko Hypponen set up one of the first websites in Europe, and he started one of the first blogs in history. You should definitely check out his award-winning Twitter account for daily dose of knowledge!

Mikko Hypponen is a world-wide authority on computer security and privacy issues. He has been a huge player in the cyber security industry for over 20 years! During his impressive career he has fought the biggest malware outbreaks in the net. As a result, he has been involved in catching several online criminals.

Check out some of the keynote topics for Mikko’s speech:

  • Bitcoin
  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Cyber Sabotage
  • Cyberwar
  • Fighting Online Crime
  • Future of Internet
  • Hacking, Hackers and Online Criminals
  • Leaks and Whistleblowers
  • Online Privacy

Book Mikko Hypponen for your next event



Sebastian Thrun - development of the Google self-driving car

Sebastian Thrun keynote speaker

“I have a really deep belief that we create technologies to empower ourselves. We've invented a lot of technology that just makes us all faster and better, and I'm generally a big fan of this. I just want to make sure that this technology stays subservient to people. People are the number one entity there is on this planet.”


Any sentence written or spoken by Sebastian Thrun immediately becomes a significant quote. This speaker surely knows how to choose words wisely and amuse the audience! It shouldn’t be a surprise then, that Fast Company named him the fifth most creative person in business, and Foreign Policy chosed him Global Thinker #4! Sebastian shows us that great and groundbreaking discoveries come not only from mathematics and exact sciences, but also from creativity and the ability to think outside of the box

Sebastian Thrun is CEO of Udacity, an online private educational organization. He has published over 370 scientific papers and 11 books, and he is a member of the National Academy of Engineering in the US. During his work for Google, he founded Google X - a branch responsible for Google self-driving car and Google Glasses. Innovation is the most important factor when it comes to Sebastian’s long list of achievements.

If you are planning an event dedicated to machine learning, robotics and AI make sure that the man responsible for putting self-driving cars on roads is there!




Graça Machel - a true leader, international advocate for women’s and children’s rights and inspirational keynote speaker


Graca Machel keynote speaker

“Preventing the conflicts of tomorrow means changing the mind-set of youth today.”


Graça Machel is one of the most inspiring women we know! You may know her as Nelson Mandela third wife, but what you should learn is that she devoted her life to fighting for the rights of women and children as a humanitarian and politician. She served as Minister of for Education and Culture of Mozambique between 1975 and 1989. Currently she’s chairman of The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH). It's worth mentioning that Graça Machel is the only person in history to have been first lady of two different African countries: Mozambique and South Africa.




Sugar Ray Leonard - surprise your audience with a celebrity keynote speaker!

sugar ray leonard keynote speaker

“I've always believed that you can be whatever you want to be if you are willing to sacrifice and dedicate yourself.”


We’re ending our list with a celebrity appearance! Sugar Ray Leonard is former professional boxer, one of the most beloved and successful fighters. For Leonard, life was often tough—as a child, he witnessed lives around him wasted by crime and violence. With his determination, he decided to aim higher and follow his dreams. This amazing story of overcoming obstacles will surely inspire your audience!

When it comes to his awards and medals, the list could go on endlessly. Let’s just mention that finished his pro boxing career with a 36-3-1 record and 25 knockouts. In 1997 he was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Let your audience meet the one and only Sugar Ray Leonard

The importance of event marketing

You probably already know that the core of marketing is communication. It's the ability to convey the right message at the right time and most importantly - to the right people. This is certainly one of the biggest challenges facing companies nowadays. If you are a business owner and you like to be up to date you've definitely heard the term event marketing before.


Event marketing covers the organization of events for specific groups. Events are both one-off and cyclically organized events. Event marketing activities can take a variety of forms - from shows to festivals and exhibitions. The organization of events can therefore be used to promote, build image or shape public opinion. It is also extremely attractive as a form of communication between the brand and the environment.

If we wanted to define event marketing, we would say that it is a promotional tool consisting in organizing various types of events, group or mass, serving the organization's goals towards the external and internal environment: customers, decision-makers, contractors, opinion leaders and employees.

It is worth remembering that event marketing is a reflection of how the company is managed. It can show its potential and attractiveness but also show its weaknesses.


Why Event Marketing is important?


Event marketing is still growing as one of the most important marketing strategies for today’s big companies. According to Forrester Research, events make up for 24% of the B2B marketing budget. By 2020, 3.2M global professional events will be taking place on an annual basis. Companies are believing in the power of live events and this trend will only continue to grow in the upcoming years.

Event marketing is certainly a multi-level tool, and the possibilities of its use in business operations is very wide. This is the only tool with such a big advantage over other marketing activities that can be used so widely and directed to external customers as well as internally to employees, business partners or suppliers.


evente marketing


Advantages of Event Marketing


Brand awareness and image improvement

This is one of the first things that comes to our mind when we talk about event marketing. Many brands use most known and available marketing tools to create buzz around them and that’s why event marketing is extremely helpful to break through this noise. If you organize an engaging event related to your brand, you will certainly arouse more curiosity than hand tailored communication about a new product or service. Especially since more and more people are tired of the traditional marketing message and have learned to dissociate from it.

Organization of the event is also a great opportunity to smuggle some of the brand value among sales-oriented content. Make sure your speakers mention that the company cares about the environment and strives to reduce plastic consumption every year. Of course, focus on values ​​that are important to you and that you truly respect.


Target specific customers

In case you have a specific audience that you want to reach then organizing an events is one of the best way to do so. Find out groups that have similar interests as yours and get their attention!


Sales increase

Events and experiences work very powerfully to drive sales – and significantly improve how consumers feel about and perceive brands! According to EventTrack 2018, 85% of consumers are more willing to purchase a brand’s product  after participating in their events and 91%  of them have more positive feelings about brands. What’s more, consumers say that brand website and brands organized events are the top advertising channels that help them understand the benefits of product or service.


Feedback from clients

Don’t forget to ask participants after the event to complete a short survey via social media, email or on a dedicated landing page. This way you may find out more about your customers and how to reach them! It’s also a great tool to find out what can be improved for your next event.


event marketing feedback


Advantages of company event for your employees

Keep your employee engaged in order to improve company culture! It is said that committed employees attached to the company are 87% less likely to leave it. A well organized event will perfectly highlight the company's mission, show that the company's culture is creative, collaborative and supportive. You will not only strengthen the morale of current employees, it can also play a significant role in recruiting new employees.

Take the opportunity to appreciate the most distinguished employees. They will feel appreciated and important and surely they will return to the office with new motivation and productivity. Celebrating success builds the business culture! Don't forget to invite your biggest clients to your event - let them see your business from the best perspective.

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, we would also mention team building, stress reduction, and motivation increase among employees.


Power of Event Marketing


“The speech will last 45 minutes but the audience will talk about it for months”.

Lucas Gielner

CEO of Global Speakers Bureau


Perception of event marketing only as a business of organizing promotional events is a kind of simplification. In fact, this form of promotion is a complex tool through which companies want to achieve their goals and market assumptions.

This is not only due to the fact that events are a good way to pass information on the topic of the offered products, but also because they help create a certain aura, values ​​or associations with a given brand. In the long-term perspective even one-day event helps to create a lasting and consistent image of the company. If the event is well developed, people will talk about it for days and even years! People unrelated to your company who talk about your product or service are simply the best and most credible recommendation for your potential customers!


For the organization of the event to really fulfill its task, remember to book the best speakers! Check out our database of professional speakers and be sure that your event will be wonderful!




Leadership speakers Silvia Damiano & Juan Carlos Cubeiro

Leadership speakers of the month: Silvia Damiano & Juan Carlos Cubeiro

We are back with our #SpeakerOfTheMonth series! We decided that this month's theme will be leadership which is an extremely complex concept. And that’s why we will introduce you to not just one, but two leadership speakers who are experts in this field.


“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

- Dwight D. Eisenhower


Although you have to treat these words at a bit of a distance, they can surely be helpful in understanding what leadership is. It may refer to the actions of a political leader who wants to achieve a goal or to a person running his own company who is developing a strategy that will help him beat the competition. Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal.

Silvia Damiano

Source: (TEDx Talks)

Everyone who is interested in  leadership should already know the greatest leadership activist Silvia Damiano! She is a scientist, educator, author of bestselling books, coach, award-winning leadership specialist,  filmmaker and also a great speaker! If you haven't seen her TEDx talk “Leadership is upside down” (which is also a title of her amazing book), you'd better catch up quickly.  Thanks to her scientific background and curiosity about the human brain she decided to devote to research on optimal brain function and neuroscience in leadership.


“Imagining the future starts in your brain, having the courage to implement what you imagine resides in your gut, making it happen is only possible with the passion of your heart.”

- Silvia Damiano


Silvia strongly believes that leaders in 21st century global economy and their organisations must radically change long-held ideas of what constitutes effective leadership. That’s why she founded About My Brain Institute in 2009 which focuses on democratizing leadership & neuroscience.


Juan Carlos Cubeiro

Have  you ever heard of ManpowerGroup? It’s world’s leading talent solutions company with nearly 14,000 client companies in Spain, which helps generate more than 12 million jobs in 82 countries a year. Let us introduce you to its Head of Talent - the one and only Juan Carlos Cubeiro!



He not only headed strategic consulting projects in Leadership, Executive Coaching and Career Management for more than 1,000 companies (in 33 years)  but also published 49 (so far!) books focused on leadership and management. If his achievements were not intimidating enough for you, let us tell you that he has a successful twenty-year long academic career behind him.


"A good part of the vision process does not take place thanks to the eyes. The eyes act as hands that extend "outward" and capture meaningless "things", transmitting them to the brain. Then deliver the "things" to memory. We see something only when the brain interprets it in terms of comparative action."

"La sensación de fluidez” (“The Fluency Sensation”) Juan Carlos Cubeiro


Cubeiro is also  a well known international leadership speaker. He had lectures in Johannesburg, Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Rome or Tel Aviv as well as Buenos Aires and many, many more. If all this was not enough, he always finds time to read one book a day!


leadership is upside down book cover



Speaking about books! It is worth mentioning that Sylvia Damiano and Juan Carlos Cubeiro worked together on a book called Leadership is Upside Down: The i4 Neuroleader Revolution! In which Damiano proposes to look at leadership through new lenses by turning the pyramid upside down and encouraging everybody to embrace their own leadership.

We are looking forward to see what new this talented two specialists will bring to the topic of leadership in the book they were currently working on, which will be released soon!


Find out more about our speakers: