Female Keynote Speakers

What image comes to mind when you hear the phrase “business leader”? Is it a white male in a suit? If so, it’s no wonder. Our culture still tends to equate stereotypically “masculine” traits—decisive, aggressive, closed—with leadership. While CEOs say gender equality is part of their top 10 business priorities, women still remain underrepresented across every corporate level.

But times are changing and we are now seeing the rise of the powerful and wildly successful businesswoman. There are now more women running Fortune 500 companies and starting their own businesses. Gender equality aside, what are the unique advantages women bring to leadership roles and running businesses? Is it true that women excel at soft skills needed for business leadership? Typical characteristics found in women leaders include effective communication, empathy and self-awareness. These are highly valued qualities and can make a real difference to the bottom line.

Many of our women speakers are successful in their own right but they have faced and had to overoame some very unique challenges in a male dominated world. Nevertheless, their voices are getting stronger and more influential by the day and are proving to be an inspiration to audiences all over the world.