Tom van Arman keynote speaker
- AI & Big Data
- City Sensors
- Future Mobility
- Living Laboratories
- Participatory Design
- Responsible Civic Tech
- Smart Energy
- Urban Experimentation
Tom left his family farm in Vermont (USA) to pursue his dream to design future cities. After becoming an architect and urban planner in London he moved the smart city capital of Amsterdam. For the last 20 years, Tom has been using IoT, AI, API’s and open data to as a design tool to create more livable and inclusive cities.
In 2010 he founded Tapp, an award winning smart city design agency enabling local governments and industries to bridge the gap between the built environment and new digital landscape.
Tom works regularly with local governments, energy companies and mobility partners to rapid prototype solutions to solve problems for the 21st century city.
In 2020 Tom co-developed the world's first privacy-by-design crowd insights monitor for policy makers and authorities manage public space during the COVID pandemic and UEFA Cup 2020 (’21) Playoffs.
Most recently Tom is consulting on responsible urban technologies to the Amsterdam Metropolitan Solutions Institute, Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (Former Navy Base), Amsterdam Chief Technology Office, Amsterdam Smart City & Amsterdam Economic Board.