Mike Freedman keynote speaker
- Convincing the Inconvincable
- Marketing and Sales
- Negotiating Skills
Mike Freedman is an English-born Negotiating Skills Trainer, Consultant and Public Speaker, based in Istanbul. Is your business a "negotiating organisation"? Is it adaptable, open, focused, able to compete and survive in a competitive environment? Given the right negotiating skills, people become more confident and productive, more likely to step up and lead, more inclined to embrace change, they are able to get the most out of their business relationships, internal and external; empowered to get things done efficiently, quickly and professionally. Does the current economic climate weigh on your staff morale? Does your team need to be re-energised, given a positive mind-set and provided with new tools to handle the challenges? These are a things that a Scotwork training course can do for our clients, what Mike Freedman can do in a short talk is to ask you to take a fresh look at when you should be negotiating, how you negotiate, at least make you think, maybe even make you want to change your approach.
Mike Freedman has spent more than half of his life in Istanbul and has dual British – Turkish Nationality. He graduated from Sheffield City Polytechnic in 1981 with a degree in Civil Engineering. In 1985 Mike visited Istanbul specifically for a two week sales and introduction visit to the site of the then-planned 2nd Bosporus Suspension Bridge Project. Not only was the visit commercially successful he has ever-since remained in Istanbul. Mike moved into the logistics sector in 1989 and co-developed, managed and ultimately took over a business providing warehousing, logistics and repackaging services to the Multi-National companies in the Turkish pharmaceutical sector. A business which he sold to DHL in 2003. In recent years as the regional licensee for Scotwork Negotiating Skills Turkey, Mike has trained thousands of managers in hundreds of corporations particularly in Turkey but also in Europe the Middle East and Central Asia.
Mike is a regular speaker to companies and conferences and presents in both Turkish and English on the subjects of negotiation, conflict management and the costly implications of good will and related subjects. Having been born in Manchester only a few hundred metres from the “Theatre of Dreams” Mike is naturally a Manchester United supporter. Mike plays annually in the British Masters veterans’ basketball tournament (still). Mike’s wife is Turkish, they have two children aged 9 and 12 both great negotiators.

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