Michael S. Tomczyk keynote speaker
- Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Home Computer: Lessons for Innovators
- Emerging Technologies Update: What’s Coming, What’s Needed, What’s Possible
- How Emerging Technologies Are Giving Us Superpowers
- Managing Innovation in the 2020s and beyond: Best Practices & Strategies for Adaptation & Growth
Michael Tomczyk is a futurist, technology pioneer & an authority on developing and launching radical/disruptive innovations. He is a popular speaker and consultant to corporations and government agencies.
Michael’s career has been devoted to radical and disruptive innovation, as a home computer pioneer, C-suite management consultant, academic program director and entrepreneur. Throughout his career he has been constantly scanning the horizon for new technologies and applications, and his presentations reflect his futurist viewpoint.
Michael is constantly scanning the horizon to keep up to date with technologies and applications that have the potential to create and transform industries and markets. For more than 20 years he has been presenting annual updates to senior decision makers across industries, on emerging technologies looming on the near horizon that companies and government agencies need to be aware of, and prepare for.
As a speaker he is inspiring, entertaining and informative. He says, “The role of an innovator is to break rules, solve problems, turn science fiction into science reality and make the future happen faster.” He believes that anyone can become an innovator and that we should all be “innovation champions.”
As a consultant Michael has guided innovation projects at companies large and small. He has presented workshops in many countries and has extensive experience in global business. He lived in East Asia for 2 years and is currently developing a startup focused on South Asia. For 10 years he was Contributing Editor at Export Today Magazine. NOTE: A customized workshop on critical issues and strategies can be included as an adjunct to his presentation.
In 2021, Michael co-founded a Fintech/digital banking startup—Fintech Ecosystem Development Corporation—going public in Fall 2021, which will be listed on NASDAQ (FEXD). Michael and his colleagues are pioneering the introduction and development of digital money platforms in emerging economies as well as industrialized markets.
Michael spent more than 20 years in Academia studying innovation practices and strategies. He was Managing Director of 3 innovation initiatives at The Wharton School including the Mack Institute for Innovation Management. He was also Innovator in Residence at Villanova University. For 10 years he served on the Transformational Research Committee at the University of Pennsylvania. He co-authored research reports and organized workshops on the Future of Biosciences, gene therapy and nanomedicine.
Michael holds an MBA from UCLA, a Master’s in Environmental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania and a literature degree from the University of Wisconsin.
He served 3 years in the Army, stationed at Ft. Bragg, in Vietnam and Korea. He was promoted to Captain, experienced combat, and was awarded the Bronze Star.