Janjaap Ruijssenaars keynote speaker
- Architecture
- Design
- Discovery
- Innovation
Architect, urban planner and inventor Janjaap Ruijssenaars is internationally known for his innovative projects, such as: Gravity Energy - a patented technique that harnesses the omnipresent force of gravity to generate electricity in a more efficient way, Floating Bed - a piece of furniture on a magnetic field that was awarded best invention of the year, Landscape House - an infinite building without an end or a beginning that will be 3d printed and Square House - a world premier that revolutionised terraced housing by giving more living quality at a higher density.
Janjaap talked on his inventions at many venues amongst which TEDX Maastricht (Netherlands), University of Cambridge (England) and NEXT Berlin (Germany). In his talks he elaborates on the creation ofan eco-system of internationally acclaimed partners to make those inventions a reality.
He will share the latest hurdles he took and progress he is making towards success.
Janjaap was educated at the Technical University Delft (Netherlands), University Barcelona (Spain) and Western State College of Colorado (USA). After graduating as an architect he started Universe Architecture Ltd. and, later on, Gravity Energy Ltd. As senior urban designer he works with stakeholders on the densification of Amsterdam. The city is facing an enormous task of building 50.000 houses before 2025.