James Kynge keynote speaker
- Asian Economic Landscape
- Asian Politics
- China/British Relations
- Global Economy
- Opportunities in Asia
James is a recipient of several journalism awards, was the China Bureau Chief for the Financial Times for seven years. He has written a book called China Shakes The World: A Titan’s Rise and Troubled Future - and the Challenge for America, in which he describes the development of China as a world power. In October 2006 James Kynge won the Financial Times & Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award for this book.
James Kynge spent over two decades as a journalist in Asia, initially for Reuters and then as China Bureau Chief for the Financial Times between 1998 and 2005. He covered many of the events during this time - including the Japanese deflation, the Tiananmen Square massacre, the rise to nationhood of the five former Soviet central Asian republics in the early 1990s, the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and China’s emergence as a great economic power since 1998.
Kynge speaks fluent Mandarin and is a regular commentator on Chinese and Asian issues for media outlets including NPR, CNN and the BBC. He lives in Beijing. He is a recipient of several journalism awards.
Kynge speaks fluent Mandarin, and is a regular commentator on Chinese and Asian issues for media outlets including NPR, CNN and the BBC.