Mark Antoine keynote speaker
- Charismatic Leadership
- Humanizing the Workplace: Be You!
- Transformation and Behavioural Change
“With a stellar career as an award-winning TV Show Host, distinguished journalist, accomplished business coach, and proud member of the Forbes Coaches Council, Mark Antoine is a rare Emcee & Speaker sensation in the corporate events industry. As a trilingual comedian, he brings a unique blend of talent, wit, and charisma to the show."
“Each time he takes the stage, he acts as an extension of our team. He is energetic, professional, creative, inspiring, and straight-up fun to work with. He puts his heart into everything he does.”
That's what his clients say about him, yet he wants to share with you a different image of himself:
When he was a 7yo kid, he had a double lisp, misaligned teeth, he was very shy, and he would always blush and feel anxiety speaking in class.
So for those of you who aren’t comfortable on stage, in meetings or on zoom presenting, trust him, he knows the feeling too well.
So to avoid the problem he avoided speaking altogether. Mark eventually went through speech therapy and got rid of his lisps, yet the feeling of not belonging, of being different, of not being able to share what made him human inside was still very much present. He fixed the technical problem, but that didn’t fix his human experience.
At 12 he saw a magician and everything changed. Mark studied with him and became a magician, did lots of shows and first TV appearance at 16yo.
Something else happened at 12, he knew he was gay since he had his first gay experience, so the feeling of being different and not belonging grew exponentially. He became a magician because he wanted to change himself, he didn’t want to be who he was becoming. Mark wanted to change that with magic. What he changed in fact is not him, he changed how people looked at him. Some with awe in their eyes, others with anger as they were quite pissed not to understand how he did make that card disappear.
Mark needed more than magic, he needed words, so he studied acting. He changed so much that today he is the exact opposite of who he was.
He trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London while working for Disney Business Solutions in Paris as an Emcee to pay for his tuition.
As a result:
1/ He introduced speakers on stage from all walks of life, from every Fortune 500 company and from every level of seniority.
2/ He entertained the most difficult crowds: corporate employees who haven’t paid for a ticket to be there - they HAD to be there, captive.
Yet turning a captive workforce into a captivated audience became Mark’s passion for the last 20 years.
He talks about DE&I to humanize the workplace, to change corporate culture to be more inclusive especially talking to workforces around the world about being themselves. If you are hiding a part of you, if you are hiding ideas because the corporate culture doesn’t make you feel safe to share them, then you are not being the full resource the company employed you for in the first place. “Be you” is his program that uses his life experiences to unconditionally change the work environment for a more human and diverse work life.
Now Mark also helps companies create their experience and storytelling on stage, and he helps employees who have never been trained in public speaking, be confident and charismatic leaders.
Some of the areas he frequently covers include how to:
- Appear confident, competent and credible in front of any audience
- Capture and maintain the attention and interest of your listeners
- Connect and inspire with executive storytelling
- Look calm under pressure
- Incorporate effective visual aids and avoid Death by PowerPoint™
- Integrate appropriate humor to drive home serious points
- Eliminate ums, ahs, you knows and other distracting habits
- Use body language and voice techniques to own the room
- Love the unexpected
Mark’s 18 years of experience as a MC for prestigious Fortune 500 companies, as a speech coach for CEOs and all levels of management made him realize one thing: we are all craving to be more influential, to “fit the part”, to get to where we want to be, to be the best version of ourselves… And the best version of ourselves is simply ourselves, when we stop giving an image we think others want to see of us.
Mark’s clients are worldwide corporations like Airbus, Porsche, Givenchy, Kenzo, the French Presidency of the European Union, French Ministries, and many more.